
IVAN CORNEJO La Última Vez (Deluxe) Lyrics

IVAN CORNEJO La Última Vez (Deluxe) Lyrics

IVAN CORNEJO La Última Vez (Deluxe) Lyrics

Me enamoré
De una mujer
Me enamoré de una mujer que en verdad es peligrosa
Con su mirada muy fácilmente a todos se enamora
La última vez que te miré, sentía mariposas
La última vez que te besé, caí muy bien
Oye, ¿cómo piensas que se me va borrar tan fácil?
De ella despegarme
De ella olvidarme no va a ser tan fácil
Te deseo lo mejor
Aunque no sea conmigo
¿Cómo olvidar los besos que me marcabas?
A mi cara, mi cuerpo, todo besabas
Quise hacerte feliz y verte sonreír
Pero yo pienso que este cuento ya llego a su fin
¿Cómo olvidar cuando me bailabas?
¿Cómo explicar cuanto yo te amaba?
Quise hacerte feliz y verte sonreír
Pero yo pienso que este cuento ya llego a su fin
Oye, ¿Cómo piensas que se me va borrar tan fácil?
De ella olvidarme
De ella despegarme no va a ser tan fácil
Te deseo lo mejor
Aunque no sea conmigo
¿Cómo olvidar cuando me bailabas?
¿Cómo explicar cuánto yo te amaba?
Quise hacerte feliz y ver una sonrisa
En tu linda carita, extrañaré por vida…

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Common Questions concerning “La Última Vez (Deluxe)” written by Ivan Cornejo

What is the subject matter of Ivan Cornejo’s song “La Última Vez (Deluxe)”?

“La Última Vez (Deluxe)” delves into issues of love and heartache, emphasizing the psychological fallout from a connection with an alluring but ultimately distressing love interest. The protagonist’s struggle to move on and the poignant recollections of their time together are explored in depth in the lyrics.

“La Última Vez (Deluxe)” not only explores themes of love and heartbreak but also showcases Ivan Cornejo’s rapid rise in the regional Mexican music scene. At just 19 years old, Cornejo has become a prominent figure in the corridos tumbados subgenre, which blends traditional regional Mexican music with contemporary urban sounds. This song, part of his album “Dañado (Deluxe),” contributed to his historic achievement of spending 37 weeks at number one on the Regional Mexican Albums chart, the fourth-highest since the chart’s creation.

The song’s impact extends beyond its lyrical content, reflecting Cornejo’s unique musical journey. Unlike many of his peers, Cornejo taught himself to play guitar at age seven by watching YouTube videos. His authentic approach to songwriting, often drawing from personal experiences of heartbreak, has resonated strongly with a young audience. This connection has been amplified through social media platforms like TikTok, where Cornejo’s music has gone viral, helping to bring regional Mexican music to a broader, more diverse audience. The success of “La Última Vez (Deluxe)” and Cornejo’s other works demonstrates the evolving landscape of Latin music and the growing influence of young artists in shaping the genre.

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“La Última Vez (Deluxe)” was written by whom?

Ivan Cornejo wrote the lyrics to the song.

“La Última Vez (Deluxe)” was launched when?

In 2022, the Ivan Cornejo music was made available.

“La Última Vez (Deluxe)” is a part of what genre?

The song is categorized as Regional Mexican music.

Is there a translation of “La Última Vez (Deluxe)” into English?

Indeed, there are a number of lyric translation websites with English versions of the songs.

Is “La Última Vez (Deluxe)” included on a record?

Ivan Cornejo has released the song on CD, but no specific album information was given.

Where is “La Última Vez (Deluxe)” available for listening?

Spotify and Apple Music are only two of the music streaming services that have the song available.

Has “La Última Vez (Deluxe)” been nominated for or won any awards?

Ivan Cornejo has received recognition for his achievements in the music industry, yet there is no particular information on awards or nominations for this song.

What is “La Última Vez (Deluxe)”‘s central theme?

The song’s central theme is the difficulty to let go of the past and the emotional pain and nostalgia that come with a romantic relationship ending.

How can “La Última Vez (Deluxe)” help me learn Spanish?

The song’s lyrics, which are in Spanish, can be utilised as a teaching tool since they offer vocabulary and emotional expression in a realistic setting.

About IVAN CORNEJO La Última Vez (Deluxe) Lyrics

TitleLa Última Vez (Deluxe)
ArtistIvan Cornejo
ThemesLove, heartbreak, longing, and the difficulty of moving on from a past relationship
NarrativeThe singer recounts falling in love with a woman who is described as dangerous and captivating. He reminisces about their last encounter and the struggle to forget her.
EmotionsNostalgia, melancholy, unresolved feelings, and a deep sense of loss
Key Lyrics“Me enamoré de una mujer que en verdad es peligrosa… La última vez que te miré, sentía mariposas… Te deseo lo mejor aunque no sea conmigo.”
Release Year2022
GenreRegional Mexican
Notable ImageryButterflies felt when seeing her, the kisses marked on his face and body, dancing together
MessageThe difficulty of erasing cherished memories and the pain of wishing an ex-lover the best despite the breakup
ToneReflective and somber, with a focus on the emotional impact of the relationship’s end
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