
PESO PLUMA Spiral Lyrics

PESO PLUMA Spiral Lyrics

PESO PLUMA Spiral Lyrics

[Letra de “Spiral”]

[Verso 1]
Al viejon voy cuidando
Humo echando, olvidando los problemas del pasado
Pasado pisado
Se cosecha planta verde y California es el Estado
Muy bien cronometrado
Tengo las luces moradas, todo el pedo organizado
Yo sé que no es nada malo
Medicina pa’l enfermo que nunca va ser curado

[Verso 2]
Para mantener presidentes muertos aquí en la bolsa
Yo estuve perreándole ya mucho rato y les diré una cosa
Vender para crecer, ser fiel para vencer
Spiral, saben bien el apodo aventé

Habla compa Spiral
Hasta San Bernardino
Pura doble P, viejo

[Verso 3]
9-0-9 en alto
San Bernardino también Rialto
Mis muchachos tan bien bravos
Muscovy también lo cuidamos
Califas en Alto la BTY ya creció
Una 9 al cinto para cualquier situación
Las L se venden como si fueran hot dogs

[Verso 4]
Para mantener presidentes muertos aquí en la bolsa
Yo estuve perreándole ya mucho rato y les diré una cosa
Vender para crecer, ser fiel para vencer

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Frequently Asked Questions regarding Peso Pluma’s “Spiral”

PESO PLUMA Sembrando Lyrics

Peso Pluma’s “Spiral” was written by who?

Peso Pluma bio wrote “Spiral” on his own.

What’s the story behind Peso Pluma’s song “Spiral”?

Peso Pluma music “Spiral” explores topics of drug trafficking, gang culture, especially in California, and moving on from the past. It also discusses the artist’s experiences and outlook on life.

When was Peso Pluma’s “Spiral” released?

The release date of “Spiral” was November 25, 2021.

Which genre does Peso Pluma’s “Spiral” fit into?

“Spiral” is a song that falls under the category of regional Mexican music because it has elements of hip-hop and trap culture.

Which sentences from Peso Pluma’s “Spiral” stand out?

Among the song’s noteworthy lines are:

“Spiral” is a song that falls under the category of regional Mexican music because it has elements of hip-hop and trap culture.

Where can I listen to Peso Pluma’s “Spiral”?

“Spiral” is available for listening on a number of music-streaming websites, including SoundCloud, YouTube, Spotify, and Amazon Music.

Has Peso Pluma’s “Spiral” won any major awards or recognition?

Peso Pluma has had a major influence on the charts with several songs, including “Spiral,” being acknowledged for their popularity. Although particular awards for “Spiral” are not mentioned, the song has achieved considerable success.

Is there a music video for Peso Pluma’s song “Spiral”?

Indeed, the official music video for “Spiral” is available on YouTube, having been released on November 24, 2021.

Why is the title “Spiral” significant?

The song’s title “Spiral” can allude to the cyclical and frequently depressing nature of its subjects, which include the unavoidable elements of drug culture and gang life.

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What is the song “Spiral”‘s position in the charts?

It’s unclear how “Spiral” performed on music charts, but Peso Pluma has had several hits on the Billboard Hot 100 and other lists.

Is it possible to locate Peso Pluma’s “Spiral” lyrics online?

Yes, you can find the lyrics of “Spiral” on a number of lyric websites, such as Genius.

About PESO PLUMA Spiral Lyrics

ArtistPeso Pluma
Song TitleSpiral
ThemesThe song may include themes related to the narco culture, such as glorification of the cartel lifestyle, exaltation of leaders, and advocacy of violence against rivals1.
GenreRegional Mexican music with influences from trap and hip-hop.
Release DateNot specified in the provided sources.
CollaborationsThe album “Orquídeas” features other artists like KAROL G, El Alfa, and JT, but specific collaborations for “Spiral” are not mentioned.
Cultural ImpactSongs like “Spiral” are part of a modern version of the corrido called corrido tumbado, which is popular among Gen Z and combines elements of trap music.
PlatformsAvailable on music platforms such as Spotify, where artists like Peso Pluma have garnered millions of listens.
Record LabelNot specified in the provided sources.
Chart PerformanceNot specified in the provided sources.
Music VideoNot specified in the provided sources.
Notable LyricsNot provided in the sources. To create a table of lyrics, the actual lyrics would need to be analyzed, which are not included in the sources.
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