


[Letra de “NUEVA VIDA”]


[Verso 1]
La noche ha llegado, ya estoy preparado
Un buen White Recluse a mí me ven forjando
Siempre bien tranquilo, nunca ando de ondeado
Me gusta hacer gente, yo nunca me rajo
Veintitrés y ya ando de arriba pa’ abajo
Voy por buen camino, siempre lo he notado
Buenos amigos los que a mí me han rodeado
Siempre al cien con los que me echaron la mano
Rodeado de lujos y no materiales
Siempre buena vida me dieron mis padres
El viejo en el cielo siempre ha de guiarme
Para que en la vida salgan bien los planes

Ahí le va, jefazo
Hasta el cielo, viejo
Pura Doble P, viejo, a la verga

[Verso 2]
Hoy todo ha cambiado, no voy a negarlo
Pensamientos nuevos son los que ya cargo
Una nueva vida la que me estoy dando
Poco a poco envidias se van presentando
El tiempo es muy sabio y responde preguntas
Y a mí no me asusta cargar con la duda
Siempre bien pendiente mi compita Rulas
Soy de perfil bajo, así nadie me busca

Nadie me busca

FAQ regarding Peso Pluma’s “NUEVA VIDA”

PESO PLUMA Mil Historias Lyrics

What is the subject matter of Peso Pluma’s song “NUEVA VIDA”?

Peso Pluma music “NUEVA VIDA” tells the story of his struggle to accept a new stage in life and his own metamorphosis. The song’s lyrics are a reflection of his past experiences, his family’s and friends’ support, and his openness to change. The song’s message is one of personal development, regeneration, and having the guts to walk a different route.

Peso Pluma is a person who?

Hassan Emilio Kabande Laija, better known by his stage name Peso Pluma, is a Mexican singer, rapper, and songwriter who specializes in fusing contemporary trap and reggaeton components with classic Mexican music genres like corridos. He has received a great deal of notoriety and success in the music business.

Which themes run throughout “NUEVA VIDA”?

The main themes of “NUEVA VIDA” are evolution, maturation, the value of genuine friendships and family, and the artist’s resolve to live life independently of other people’s opinions and jealousies.

What kind of music is “NUEVA VIDA”?

“NUEVA VIDA” is a part of the corridos tumbados genre, which combines urban music genres like reggaeton and trap with traditional Mexican corridos.

What does “NUEVA VIDA” mean in the song’s title?

The phrase “NUEVA VIDA,” which means “New Life” in English, denotes the artist’s breaking away from his past and the start of a new phase of his life that will be characterized by growth and a new outlook.

Has “NUEVA VIDA” had any noteworthy success on the charts?

As of the knowledge cutoff date, no particular information was available regarding “NUEVA VIDA’s” chart performance. Other Peso Pluma tracks, such as “Ella Baila Sola,” have made a considerable impact on the charts, nevertheless. This song created history on the Billboard Hot 10.

Can anyone provide me “NUEVA VIDA” lyrics?

Absolutely, you can get the lyrics to “NUEVA VIDA” on a number of lyric websites and song lyrics platforms.

What message does Peso Pluma hope to get across with “NUEVA VIDA”?

Peso Pluma bio want to share a message of resiliency, hope, and the strength of beginning again. The song expresses the artist’s thankfulness for the chance to start over and for a fresh start in life.

How have listeners reacted to Peso Pluma’s music?

Audiences have responded favorably to Peso Pluma’s music, especially because of its distinctive fusion of traditional Mexican music with modern components. His novel strategy has struck a chord with listeners both domestically and abroad.

Where can I listen to Peso Pluma’s “NUEVA VIDA”?

Peso Pluma’s “NUEVA VIDA” is available to stream on a number of music services, including YouTube, Apple Music, and Spotify.


SectionLyrics ExcerptMeaning
Opening¡Chau! La noche ha llegado, ya estoy preparadoThe artist is ready to embrace the night, symbolizing readiness for change.
Verse 1Un buen White Recluse a mí me ven forjando…Peso Pluma talks about staying calm and being a good person, not backing down from challenges.
Verse 2Veintitrés y ya ando de arriba pa’ abajo…Reflecting on his journey and the good people around him, acknowledging his parents’ influence.
ChorusAhí le va, jefazo…A tribute to his father, indicating guidance from above.
Verse 3Hoy todo ha cambiado, no voy a negarlo…Acknowledging the changes in his life and the new path he’s on.
Verse 4El tiempo es muy sabio y responde preguntas…Expressing trust in time to provide answers and acknowledging his close friends.
OutroNadie me buscaEmphasizing a low profile and privacy in his new life.

IVAN CORNEJO Baby Please Lyrics

IVAN CORNEJO Baby Please Lyrics

[Letra de “Baby Please”]

Ya me entró el alcohol
Y me llené con ganas de salir y buscarme a alguien que ame como tú
Sé que tu amor fue irreemplazable
Ruego que haya solución porque este amor duele cabrón

[Verso 1]
Pensé en mudarme a lugar muy lejos de aquí
Pa’ no recordarme de mi tesoro que perdí
Pensé en largarme a un lugar muy lejos de ti
Pero no me puedo ver sin ti
Son besos de los quе te di
Pedazos de mí tú mе robaste
De coraje me llenaste, baby, please
Déjate venir, piensa un poco en mí
Baby, piensa en mí, baby

Piénsalo, tú y yo empezamos desde cero como antes
No olvidamos del ayer, enamorarnos otra vez
Piénsalo, tú y yo sin celos como la primera vez
No enseñamos a querer, pero esta vez hay que hacerlo bien

[Verso 2]
Y hay que hacerlo bien, hay que hacerlo mal
Hay que hacerlo mal
Eso no me importa, yo solo quiero que seas mía
Sin pagar la renta vives en mí
No hay una manera de irte de aquí
Sin embargo, para ti fue fácil apagar la llama que prendí en ti
Lo que tú necesites de mí
Cúlpame, pero no me dejes de amar
Hazme todo menos dejarme ir
Bote tras bote, más escribo de ti
Soy todo, soy un montón
Pero, ¿por qué dijiste: “Puedes aguantar”?
Recuérdate, recuérdate, oh-oh

Piénsalo, tú y yo empezamos desde cero como antes
No olvidamos del ayer, enamorarnos otra vez
Piénsalo, tú y yo sin celos como la primera vez
No enseñamos a querer, pero esta vez hay que hacerlo bien

(Piensa en mí)
Baby, please

FAQ: “Baby Please” by Ivan Cornejo

IVAN CORNEJO Me Hiciste un Loco Lyrics

Why is “Baby Please” even a thing?

Ivan Cornejo’s mournful ballad “Baby Please” explores the themes of desire, lost love, and the difficulty of moving on from a previous relationship. The song’s lyrics capture the inner turmoil of clinging to memories while attempting to move on from a breakup, expressing the singer’s grief and longing for a woman who no longer belongs in his life.

“Baby Please” was written by who?

Ivan Cornejo and Frank Rio wrote the song “Baby Please”.

“Baby Please” was produced by who?

Frank Rio was the producer and composer of “Baby Please”.

“Baby Please” was released when?

On March 14, 2024, “Baby Please” was made available.

What is the song “Baby Please”‘s position in the charts?

“Baby Please” debuted at No. 8 on Billboard’s Hot Latin Songs list in the week of March 30, 2024, and quickly gained major traction on the music charts. It debuted at No. 956 on the overall Billboard Hot 100 and reached the top 10 on the Latin Streaming Songs list.

Why is “Baby Please” different?

“Baby Please” has a distinct Sad Sierreño heartbroken song style that perfectly captures the melancholic, melancholic tone that is Ivan Cornejo’s trademark. The phrase “Without paying rent, you live in me,” which emphasizes the loved one’s ongoing presence in the singer’s thoughts, is just one example of how the song employs metaphorical language to express strong emotional meanings.

What response has “Baby Please” received from the crowd?

Both listeners and critics have reacted favorably to the song, with many applauding its moving lyrics and the way it connects with the emotional feelings of going through a breakup. “Baby Please” was so popular that it had 352,601 views on YouTube in the first 19 hours after it was released.

Ivan Cornejo wrote “Baby Please” for what reason?

“Baby Please” was written by Ivan Cornejo music at a low point after a breakup, portraying the contradictory emotions of despising the attachment to a prior love and treasured the idea of rekindling that romance. The song expresses the longing and anguish felt at such vulnerable moments.

About IVAN CORNEJO Baby Please Lyrics

IntroThe protagonist is feeling the effects of alcohol and is overwhelmed with the desire to find someone who loves like their past love. They acknowledge the irreplaceable nature of their past love and express a desperate plea for a solution to their pain.The introduction sets the emotional tone of the song, highlighting the protagonist’s struggle with moving on and the deep pain caused by the lost love.
Verse 1The singer contemplates moving far away to escape the memories of their lost love. Despite considering leaving, they realize they cannot imagine life without their former partner. They reminisce about the intimate moments shared and express anger and hurt, begging their partner to reconsider.This verse delves into the protagonist’s internal conflict and longing for their past love, emphasizing the depth of their emotional attachment and the pain of separation.
ChorusThe chorus calls for a fresh start, reminiscent of the beginning of their relationship, where they could love each other without jealousy or resentment. They express a desire to recapture the magic of their initial romance and emphasize the importance of doing things right this time.The chorus reflects the protagonist’s yearning for reconciliation and a second chance at love, highlighting the hope for a renewed relationship without past mistakes.
Verse 2The protagonist expresses a willingness to endure anything as long as their partner stays with them, metaphorically stating that their lover resides within them without needing to pay rent. Despite the difficulty of letting go, they beg their partner not to stop loving them and plead for another chance to make things right.This verse further explores the protagonist’s conflicting emotions, showcasing their desperation and willingness to do anything for another chance at love.
OutroThe outro reinforces the plea for their partner to think about them and not leave. The repetition of “Baby, please” underscores the desperation and longing for reconciliation.The outro emphasizes the protagonist’s deep longing for their partner to reconsider their decision and the pain of potentially losing them forever.

IVAN CORNEJO Me Hiciste un Loco Lyrics

IVAN CORNEJO Me Hiciste un Loco Lyrics

[Letra de “Me Hiciste un Loco”]

[Verso 1]
Llevo dos botes y no puedo olvidarte
Saca otros dos y también que no falte
Sal, chile y un limón pa’ que me arda la lengua
Cuando me besabas mi lengua también mordías
Hasta que sangre salía
Como un vampiro, mi alma sacaste de mi vida
Un alma vacía caminando noche y día
Como loco buscando a alguien para amar
Cinco botes, las memorias pegan más fuerte
El dolor en mi pecho, pero tengo que ser valiente
Hay varias palabras que no te alcancé a decir
Cuánto te adoraba cuando tú me hacías reír

Me duele mi alma porque ya miré еl otro
Felicidades porque ya hicistе un loco
Me hiciste un loco
Me hiciste tu loco

[Interludio Instrumental]

[Verso 2]
Ocho botes y no me salen las palabras
Me voy ahogando en el gran dolor
Dentro en mi pecho, en el corazón
En el charco de lágrimas
Se nota en mis ojos que no duermo
Se nota en mi cara que sí dolió
Mejor no digo nada, así es mejor
Así es mejor, mucho mejor

Me duele mi alma porque ya miré el otro
Felicidades porque ya hiciste un loco
Sin querer queriendo ya me puse bien borracho
Pensé que me iba a ayudar a sentir más mejor

(Más mejor
Más mejor
Más mejor
Más mejor)

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Ivan Cornejo’s “Me Hiciste un Loco”

IVAN CORNEJO Aquí Te Espero Lyrics

What’s the story behind “Me Hiciste un Loco”?

Ivan Cornejo music “Me Hiciste un Loco” describes heartbreak and the ensuing emotional agony. The anguish, longing, and struggle to deal with the memories of a previous relationship are depicted in the lyrics.

Ivan Cornejo is who?

Mexican-American singer-songwriter Ivan Cornejo is well-known for his eerie songs, which frequently touch on themes of love and grief. He started creating songs in his early teens and taught himself how to play the guitar at the age of eight.

What kind of music is “Me Hiciste un Loco”?

The song, which combines traditional and modern elements, is classified as Regional Mexican music.

Which lines from the song stand out?

“Felicidades porque hiciste un loco” (Congrats because you made a crazy guy) and “Llevo dos botes y no puedo olvidarte” (I have two cans and I can’t forget you) are two important lines from “Me Hiciste un Loco.”

Is it possible to translate “Me Hiciste un Loco” into English?

Yes, the song is available in English and may be accessed on a number of lyric translation websites.

Does “Me Hiciste un Loco” have a good following on social media?

Ivan Cornejo’s climb to prominence has been greatly aided by the popularity of his music, particularly “Me Hiciste un Loco,” on social media sites like TikTok.

Where’s “Me Hiciste un Loco” available for listening?

The song can be found on a number of music streaming services, such as Last.fm, Deezer, and YouTube.

Is “Me Hiciste un Loco” included on a record?

Indeed, “Me Hiciste un Loco” is included in Ivan Cornejo albums 2022 “Dañado.”

What reaction has Ivan Cornejo’s songs gotten from fans?

Many listeners have found solace in Ivan Cornejo’s music, especially those who have suffered heartbreak. His songs have a strong emotional bond with his fans, who find solace in the way they communicate their love and sorrow.

What is the history of Ivan Cornejo?

Riverside, California is the birthplace and upbringing of Ivan Cornejo. His musical career started with him sharing original songs and covers on social media. He is of Mexican-American heritage.

Are there any additional songs like “Me Hiciste un Loco”?

“Está Dañada,” “J.,” and “Perro Abandonado,” which all deal with heartbreak and emotional expression, are more songs by Ivan Cornejo that fans of “Me Hiciste un Loco” would like.

Where can I get “Me Hiciste un Loco” lyrics?

You can find the lyrics to “Me Hiciste un Loco” on lyric websites like LyricFluent and Genius.

IVAN CORNEJO Aquí Te Espero Lyrics

IVAN CORNEJO Aquí Te Espero Lyrics

Verse 1
Quién crees que eres usted maltratándome así
Piensas que soy un pendejo haciendo todo por ti
No te aproveches de mí, sabes que tienes poder
Tú tienes todo el control, yo casi no puedo ver
Tú sabes muy bien lo que es
Te encanta destruirme

Nadie va a entender
Nadie va a poder cambiar lo que yo siento por ti
Nadie va a entenderme
Y qué bonito es amarte y poder besarte Chorus
No me importa qué piensen y me llamen un loco
Por pensar que regresas
Me tienes dando vueltas por tu amor, por tu amor
Me muero por ti, todo fue por ti
¿Por qué te olvidaste de mí? Post-Chorus
La, la, la-la-la, la, la
La-la-la, la, la

(Quiero olvidarme de ti)
La, la, la-la-la, la, la
La-la-la, la, la

Verse 2
Y aquí te espero
Donde nuestra historia terminó
Donde nuestro barco se ahogó
¿Cuándo sale nuestra parte dos?
Y aunque sea mentira tu amor
Te esperaría todo el tiempo en el mundo
También mentí cuando te dije que no sentí nadita por ti
Cuando te fuiste de mi vida, lloré por ti Chorus
No me importa qué piensen y me llamen un loco
¿Por qué no regresas?
Me tienes dando vueltas por tu amor, por tu amor
Me muero por ti, todo fue por ti
¿Por qué te olvidaste de mí?

La, la, la-la-la, la, la
La-la-la, la, la

(Quiero olvidarme de ti)
La, la, la-la-la, la, la
La-la-la, la, la

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Ivan Cornejo’s “Aquí Te Espero”

IVAN CORNEJO La Curiosidad Lyrics

“Aquí Te Espero” was released when?

On July 27, 2023, “Aquí Te Espero” was made available.

To which genre is “Aquí Te Espero” affiliated?

“Aquí Te Espero” is a song that belongs to the ‘Sad Sierreño’ subgenre of the Regional Mexican genre.

Where did “Aquí Te Espero” come from?

The references given do not specifically name “Aquí Te Espero”‘s producer.

What is “Aquí Te Espero”‘s central idea?

“Aquí Te Espero” centers on the idea of unfulfilled love and the agony of waiting for someone who has moved on. In spite of the heartbreak, the words convey intense inner upheaval and the hope of reunion.

Has “Aquí Te Espero” been played in person?

In fact, Ivan Cornejo music has given live performances of “Aquí Te Espero” at a number of important occasions, including the Lollapalooza Festival and his Terapia Tour, which stopped in several large American and Mexican cities.

How has “Aquí Te Espero” been received?

“Aquí Te Espero” has been favorably received; at his Houston Rodeo debut, Ivan Cornejo’s touching performance had fans in tears, demonstrating the song’s emotional power.

Is “Aquí Te Espero” included on a record?

According to the details given, “Aquí Te Espero” was made available as a single. Although Ivan Cornejo had previously issued albums, including “Alma Vacía” and “Dañado,” “Aquí Te Espero” isn’t mentioned specifically as a part of a new Ivan Cornejo albums.

How can I view the “Aquí Te Espero” music video?

You may watch Ivan Cornejo’s “Aquí Te Espero” music video on his own YouTube channel. In the video, Cornejo is shown thinking back on a broken relationship while in a reflective mood.

Where can I locate “Aquí Te Espero” lyrics?

Many lyrics websites, such as Genius and LyricsTranslate, have the lyrics of “Aquí Te Espero” available. For those who do not speak Spanish, these websites also provide English translations.

What impact has Ivan Cornejo’s upbringing had on his music?

During his upbringing in Riverside, California, Ivan Cornejo was exposed to regional Mexican music through his pals. He didn’t grow up listening to it, but he quickly developed a liking for the music and taught himself how to play the guitar. His wide range of musical tastes, which include indie and alternative rock, have influenced the development of his own Regional Mexican sound.

About IVAN CORNEJO Aquí Te Espero Lyrics

TitleAquí Te Espero
ArtistIvan Cornejo
GenreRegional Mexican, Sad Sierreño
Release DateJuly 27, 2023
ThemesUnrequited love, heartbreak, hope for reconciliation
Live PerformancesPerformed at Lollapalooza Festival and Terapia Tour in the United States and Mexico
ReceptionPositive, with emotional impact highlighted at live performances, especially at the Houston Rodeo
Music VideoAvailable on Ivan Cornejo’s official YouTube channel, featuring contemplative scenes reflecting the song’s themes
Lyrics AvailabilityOn lyrics websites such as Genius and LyricsTranslate, including English translations
Artist BackgroundRaised in Riverside, California, influenced by a mix of Regional Mexican music and alternative rock/indie genres